Article - Undergraduate Degree Info:

An undergraduate degree is a type of degree taken before one of the more advanced degrees such as a Master’s or Doctorate. Those higher degrees always require the student receives an undergraduate degree before continuing on in their chosen course of study. Studying for this type of degree always requires a high school diploma or GED certificate belonging to the student.

There are two types of undergraduate degrees, an
Associate’s , or a Bachelor’s degree, depending on the school. An Associate’s degree is a two-year degree offered by junior colleges and community colleges. This degree is sometimes referred to as a transfer degree because the credits typically transfer to a four-year college in the future. This allows the student to attend classes at one school, and then transfer credits to another school to finish a four-year degree. It’s often much cheaper to attend a two year school because the classes are less expensive. These schools also schedule classes on the weekends and at night, to help those students working full-time.

Another type of
undergraduate degree is the Bachelor’s degree. This is also called a four-year degree, based on the amount of time it takes to complete. When the students first enroll in college, they work out a four-year plan. This shows the classes to take each semester until they graduate with their diploma. Students may take more or less time to complete the degree, based on how many classes are taken each semester or quarter and the grades received in their courses.

An undergraduate degree gets its name when a student is enrolled in an undergraduate institution. This includes two-year community colleges as well as four-year universities. It applies to both public and private institutions of
higher education. Many of the programs offer students the chance to take graduate courses in a graduate school when they work on their Master’s degree later.

There are other types of undergraduate degrees known as pre-professional degrees. These degrees are meant for students to acclimate themselves with a specific area of study. Oftentimes, the student can’t do very much with their degree except for study it at a higher level.
Pre-professional degree recipients are expected to enter graduate school as soon as possible after graduating with their degree.

Law and medicine are two classic examples of the pre-professional degree. When a student decides to study medicine or law, they do so knowing that more education and experience is needed before working in their chosen field. Most four-year colleges offer pre-med and pre-law programs. Students who study these areas learn more about their field and also take classes preparing them for the tests required for graduate schools.

Law students take the LSAT (Law School Admission Test), and a good score on that test nearly guarantees their acceptance into law school. Medical students have the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test), which is required for medical school. For these students, an undergraduate degree is only one step on their way to a professional career. Other students studying in other areas begin working in their field as soon as they finish their undergraduate degree.

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