Article - Bachelor Degree Varieties:

What Are the Different Types of Bachelor's Degrees?

Bachelor #1: The BA

The Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree is the broadest bachelor's degree you can earn. BA students declare a major, but they take enough gen ed. classes to keep their transcripts very well-rounded. This means, if you want to study sociology, you'll take a lot of sociology classes. But you'll also complete course work in subjects like philosophy, literature, science, and math. Eventually, if you decide not to pursue social work, you can still apply for other types of jobs. You can also apply for master's degree programs, using your BA as a stepping stone.

Bachelor #2: The BS

The Bachelor of Science (BS) degree is a more focused program. BS students usually pursue majors like engineering, physics, business, or accounting. BS degrees require fewer general studies courses, if any at all. BS degrees are often recommended for students who directly "apply" the lessons they have learned — including scientific formulas, computer codes, tax laws, or business equations. BS degrees are also a good choice for students who are more certain they will seek employment in their chosen major. Like the BA, the BS can be used to apply to a graduate program. And in fact, it may be easier to get accepted into a graduate program in the applied sciences (like engineering or electronics) if you have a BS, as opposed to a BA.

Bachelor #3: The BFA

The Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) is often known as the "professional" undergraduate degree, because BFA graduates go on to become professionals in various creative fields. Professional dancers, singers, actors, painters, and sculptors are good candidates for the BFA. Increasingly, BFAs are also being offered in fields like web design and digital media. This focused approach is great for students who are sure they want a career in the art world. However, if a graduate decides to change careers later on, he or she will have less of a general study background. Another important note: If you want to teach one of these arts, you're better off pursuing a BA. Your enrollment advisor and state department of education can help explain why.

Bachelor #4: The BBA

The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) is very similar to the BS, except that it refers exclusively to business programs (whereas "BS" may also be used to describe a science degree.) If you want a career in business, both the BS and the BBA are good options. In general, BS degrees tend to involve more math, accounting, and economics courses. BBA degrees, by contrast, usually offer more courses in decision making, management strategy — even organizational psychology. These are good areas to study if you want to become a general manager, as opposed to a dedicated accountant or financial advisor.

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