A bachelor’s degree is a combination of general college studies and a
specialty in a specific field. The specific field is called your major, and your
degree will be named after your major. For example, if you majored in English,
you would have your bachelor's degree in English. You have the opportunity to
specialize in more than one subject by having either a dual major or a minor in
a specific field.
Most bachelor’s degrees take about four years to complete. Some people are
able to take a heavier class load and may be able to graduate sooner. Others may
only be attending part time, and it may take them longer than four years to earn
their (college diploma). The generalized study portion of the degree usually
takes place during the first two years that you attend college and the
specialized portion, the last two years.
The requirements for different colleges and universities differ slightly, but
there are some basic requirements that are the same or quite similar. For
example, everyone is required to take a basic freshman writing class, at nearly
every university. However, those classes may differ in the scope and the
requirements within the class. Generally, students must take an upper level math
class such as statistics or calculus to fulfill a math requirement. They must
also take a basic science class in earth science, biological science, and
physical science. They usually have to complete a world civilizations history
requirement as well as a history class that focuses on their country’s history.
Additionally, an art appreciation class must be taken in music, art, or drama.
Students can test out of these classes through A.P. tests in high school.
Generally, students will take the general classes first because it exposes
them to a wide variety of topics and can help them find a major that interests
them. After completing this work, a student declares his major and then begins
to take the requirements for that specific major. These classes delve deeper
into the topic than a general studies class. Specific skills may be taught, but
theory is covered as well. Since programs vary so widely, and there are so many
different majors to choose from, it is difficult to specifically talk about what
types of classes you will end up taking.
The bachelor’s degree gives students both a breadth of knowledge and a depth
of knowledge. The breadth comes from learning a little bit about so many
different courses in the generals. The depth comes from specializing in one
topic. In addition to the knowledge gained from the classes, students gain the
ability to think critically and to apply the knowledge to the way that they
approach problems. Earning a (diploma) can give you a real advantage in the job
Some jobs require specific (certificates) in order to work, in addition to
your diploma. One example of this is a CPA. A certified public accountant must
get both a degree in accounting and pass tests to become certified in their
field. When this happens the degree programs usually offer specific classes that
will help you prepare to pass the tests. RNs are required to go through a
similar testing practice before they can begin working.