We accept all major credit cards ( and debit IF also a credit card )
Our payment server is fully secure and we abide by all required standards of operation set by our nationally recognized credit card merchants VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. Our Statement will say Custom Ventures ( prior to 3/1/2020) and Doc Printers ( after 3/1/2020 )
We accept Pre-Paid credit cards ( and debit IF also a credit card )
If you are in the USA or most countries, you can purchase a pre-paid Gift Card and use it during the online checkout of telephone payment process. Make sure to “activate” the card with the card company (not the place you purchased) and provide them with your ZIP or Country Code. Then, you can use the card online during the order checkout process. Our Statement will say Custom Ventures ( prior to 3/1/2020) and Doc Printers ( after 3/1/2020 )
We ship to an address which is NOT your primary Statement Address
For your charge to be approved, both the "Sold To" and the "Ship To" address on your checkout page must be on file with your credit card company. If you want to ship to another address, call your card company to add a secondary shipping address to your account before you place an order so that they will approve the charge.
Want to use someone else’s credit card?
If you are using another person's card, you must use their address for both the "Sold To" and "Ship To" address. You package will ship to them and they can give it to you. They must also be available to sign for the package at delivery. We will not process "Email Only" orders unless the card is in the same name that is on the fake diploma and/or fake transcript."
No Personal Checks, Cash, Western Union or money order.. Its safer and faster to use credit cards. If you see others that accept all but cards, we would advise moving on to a different vendor like us that accepts credit cards.