Article - DED Degree:

Most people are familiar with the most common and widely used terms associated with a typical college diploma associates, bachelors, masters, and PhD. There is a large subset of specialized degrees that focus on certain fields. One of these is called a DED, or Doctor of Education degree. The DED is for those pursuing a career in education such as a teacher, professor, or other type of scholar. Research analysts and clinical workers in various sectors can also use DED degrees. The Doctor of Education college diploma has been endorsed by the National Science Foundation, and is the equivalent of a PhD. In other words, if someone wants to receive their PhD in education, they would strive to earn a DED instead. There are many different career options available to those who hold this particular degree.

The Doctor of Education degree is recognized in many different countries, includingAfrica, Australia, England, and just recently, the nation of India. The very first DED degree was introduced by Harvard University in 1921. It did not arrive in England until much later, in 1992. The path to getting a DED degree is quite intensive, and is usually around 15 credits more than a Master’s degree. There are usually about 60 credit hours total required. The degree requires students to be well-rounded and have a full comprehension of education, child development, and general knowledge courses.

With a DED, graduates have the power to grant students a high school diploma upon successful completion of their high school years. They can work in school administration and become a principal, vice principal, or guidance counselor. A school’s financial officers or policy makers are other good examples, as well as superintendents, school board presidents, and many other important positions within a uniform school structure. Language development, teaching, and curriculum writing are some other examples of potential careers. Because a Doctor of Education degree is so diverse, there are a good number of options, as well as many opportunities for advancement within the field. An understanding of statistics and research methods are also important.

It can take students who receive their high school diploma and are ready to attend college about 8 or more years of college education before they receive their Doctor of Education degree. The program is rather intensive and requires a lot of background, as well as research and thesis work. The school that students choose must offer this program specifically in order for the degree to be classified as a DED. Some examples of schools that offer this program include the University of California Berkeley, Stanford University, and the University of Michigan, to name a few. There are even some famous people who hold their DED, including actor Bill Cosby and the wife of Vice President Joe Biden, Jill Biden. Understanding the United States or applicable country’s school system is a must. Some examples of courses related to this include a seminar on school financial policy, educational leadership, staff development, and educational policy perspectives.

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