Article - Master's Degree Years:

Once an individual finishes up their Bachelor degree, they often contemplate continuing their education to obtain a Master’s degree. Graduate school commences with a thesis or final project and only then will the student receive their degree.

The amount of time it takes to receive this degree depends on the student, the program, and a few other factors including the type of school. One type of school that offers a Master’s degree is an online or distance learning program. In this case, it can take a student several years to finish their degree. The reason for this is because most of the students take classes part-time or half-time while they work a full-time job or raise a family.

There are some students who spend four or five years finishing up their degree. The general rule of thumb when it comes to a Master’s degree is that it takes two years to finish, but that’s only with the student attending classes full-time. During the first year, the student takes classes relating to their degree or major. The second year they focus on their specific area of study or concentration within that area.

For example, a student who studies Asian History with an emphasis on women in that culture takes classes relating to women’s studies. There are also chances for the student to take a few electives during their first two years. Throughout their educational career in graduate school, the student meets with their advisor to begin discussions about their thesis or final project. Work on this project typically begins during the break between the two years, though sometimes it begins at the start of their second year.

The real emphasis of the final year in graduate school is finishing the thesis. It takes some students longer than others to finish their thesis. Depending on the depth and focus of it, some students will spend an entire year or more after finishing their coursework to complete their thesis. For those students, it can take three years or more to complete their Master’s degree. Students in the most in-depth, specialized programs can expect to spend a minimum of three years working in graduate school.

Two years is spent inside the classroom, taking courses relating to their program. The final year is spent working on their thesis or final project. Following the completion of their thesis, they must defend it in front of a group of professors. This includes professors they worked with and professors within their focus of study. The professors ask questions relating to the project like how it was completed and what it means in a bigger sense of the word. Once the professors are satisfied, the student receives their Master’s degree.

It’s worth noting that most graduate schools place a limit on how long the student can spend working on their degree. In general the limit is five years. If the student doesn’t complete his work within five years, he will need to re-apply to the program. Many people take less time to finish their degree, but some students take the full five years.

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