Article - Top 10 Party Schools:

Earning a college degree is associated with many perks. Those with the important credentials tend to have more job opportunities and greater earning potential than their less educated counterparts. While some high school graduates know how important education is, others simply long for the rite of passage associated with attending college. For the latter, party schools matter and rankings from the Princeton Review can be used to pick a winner.

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Originally founded in 1981, The Princeton Review has helped prepared high school diploma holders for the standardized tests associated with rising through the educational ranks. Additionally, the organization also conducts research concerning the best universities and schools out there; in 2012 122,000 students participated in the organization's college rankings survey and based on their answers to the Princeton Reviews 80 questions on the subject, some schools are more conducive to raising the roof versus raising a GPA.

Students participating in the study answered questions regarding the condition of the school library, general thoughts about the professors on duty and other topics ranging from political beliefs to alcohol and marijuana use on campus. Schools that earned a spot as a Party School received that ranking based on a combination of questions and answers specifically related to study hours, the prevalence of sororities and fraternities on campus as well as a high usage reporting of drugs and alcohol. According to their diligence, the Top 10 Party Schools in America (from a total list of 20 Party Schools) are:

    10. Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y.: With roots tracing back to 1832 and the Methodist Episcopal Church, the school (which is part of the State University of New York network) seems to have evolved away from its' original goal of being a Genesee Wesleyan Seminary.

    9. Miami University of Ohio: Miami is not just a hot city in Florida, it is also the name of a party school located in Oxford, Ohio. This school was originally founded in 1809 and since then, it has earned accolades from as one of the best public universities in the nation. According to the Princeton Review, student's also favor the school and the ability to have fun is part of that equation.

    8. Florida State University, Tallahassee: Since 1851 this school has provided students with an education, first as a seminary and now as a space-grant and sea-grant public university. According to the student survey, it is also conducive to having a really good time.

    7. University of California-Santa Barbara: California dreaming is a favorite pastime and since 1891 this university has provided the backdrop for a plethora of students. The university staff is brimming with talent from Nobel Prize laureates and members of the National Academy of Sciences. However, thanks to the schools location in the regions wine country, some students are missing out on those educational perks.

    6. University of Florida, Gainesville: Since first becoming established in 1853, this particular school has grown to have the second largest student population as compared with other Floridian schools. Perhaps it is that mix of over 120 different master's degree programs with a laid back atmosphere that helps this university remain popular.

    5. University of Georgia: This college was first established in 1785 and during its' history had several different names. The school has evolved from being the United States's first state-chartered university, to a popular school, known for a relaxed environment perfect for praters.

    4. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Since first being established in 1867, this school proudly boosted being for "Learning and Labor." Thanks to the high-ranking on the party school list, maybe fun needs to become the newest addition to their motto.

    3. Ohio University: Translated into English the motto for this school reads "Religion, Learning, Civility; Above All, Virtue." While that may have been true when the school was first established in 1804, as a top 10 party school, virtue probably takes second place to keggers.

    2. University of Iowa: The University of Iowa became the states very first public college; that honor occurred in 1847, 59 days after Iowa was admitted to the Union. Maybe its' current legacy as a party house has roots to good old American Pride.

    1. West Virginia University: This school encourages students to "Add to your faith virtue and to virtue knowledge." As the number one party school in the nation, it appears students may be looking for that message at the bottom of an empty, red, plastic cup.

Individuals interested in choosing a college in order to pursue a degree are encouraged to take this unscientific (yet fun) survey with a grain of salt. The rankings were solely based on subjective feedback from students matriculating at the time the survey was completed. No consideration was given to a subjects' GPA or long-term goal and with no control group, the Princeton Review is viewed as a piece of fiction by university insiders.

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