Article - Top 10 Ways to Prep for a Job Interview:

Seasoned professionals and first time employees all have something in common, they have to ace the job interview in order to earn that paycheck. Many people will attest that interviewing is a stressful experience, but luckily has some tips to help those in need prep for a job interview.

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Stress is a common side-effect of interviewing and while everyone may feel it, the person who can control that condition will stand apart from the competition. When it comes to managing this particular task, individuals are encouraged to fake it until they make it, and feigning confidence will help make it so. By taking the steps prior to an interview to calm down and prepare for the process individuals can help ensure that they put their best foot forward.

Top 10 Ways to Prep for a Job Interview
  • 10. Limit Caffeine Intake: Many people rely on a morning jolt to get their wheels going, and for good reason. The organic compound is a stimulant that can help individuals perk and alert, however too much of the stuff can make a person nervous, jittery and appear as if they are an unsuitable candidate. On the day of a big interview, feel free to consume what your body is used to as not having caffeine can trigger off withdrawal symptoms like headaches and nauseous. However skipping that second or third cup is advised.
  • 9. Bring Resume Copies: A resume is like a calling card that will present employers with a snapshot of your skills. Even though a candidate may have submitted their application online, bringing paper copies is a smart move. A potential employer may ask for a copy or even ask a specific question regarding a past work experience. Having a paper print out of your resume will allow you to prepare for both scenarios.
  • 8. Read Your Resume: Seeing something too much can actually encourage individuals to turn a blind eye; that is the same for resumes. After an individual has taken the time to write a resume, they may not read it again during the job search process. But employers will ask what questions they may and only by rereading your personal work history can you refresh your memory and near-instantly come up with the answers you need.
  • 7. Research the Company: Despite this being the most common piece of advice, it is amazing how many people skip this step. The time to find out about a potential employer is prior to meeting the interviewer. This knowledge will not only deliver a bit more confidence, but it provide a foundation to provide educated answers.
  • 6. Brush your Teeth: Individuals who smile not only appear more sure of themselves, but a natural grin will make a person appear more honest. Brushing and flossing prior to an interview will ensure that your breath is fresh, that there is nothing stuck in your teeth and that interviewers will find nothing objectionable.
  • 5. Get Clean: Scuffed shoes, dirty finger nails and body odor are considered obstacles by potential employers. Make sure hair is free of dandruff and oils, that there is no trace of last night's makeup dripping down your face and that each and every piece of clothing worn smells fresh and free of rips and tears.
  • 4. Breath Deeply: A little meditation can go a long way for calming the frayed nerves of job candidates. While preparing for the job interview, make sure to take a couple of moments to oxygenate the body and check in with yourself.
  • 3. Plan for the Commute: No matter if you drive, take a train or ride a bus, things can happen to stop you dead in your tracks. Prior to a job interview, individuals need to know what route to the interview they are going to take and to give themselves extra time to get to the appointment in time and in a relaxed, calm matter.
  • 2. Fifteen Minutes: While the above strategy can be a huge stress reliever, arriving to early to an appointment is not appropriate. Interviewers are on tight schedules and a candidate that shows up too early (16 minutes or more) may add additional pressure to the situation. Individuals can park a couple of blocks away and use that additional time to further prepare for the process.
  • 1. Be Yourself: While it may be tempting to present a phony resume or lie about accomplishments to get ahead, that strategy is not advised. Employers value honesty and individuals who show that they having nothing to hide will stand apart from the rest. Plus, those who fake their way into a job will never be at ease at work.

Ensuring that you are prepared, comfortable in your own skin and have legitimately have the qualifications needed for a job will be an excellent candidate. Although the odds are that a person will not get every job they interview for, it is important to remember it is a numbers game as typically the more interviews conducted, the greater the odds of finding work.

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