Article - What Percent of People have a Master’s Degree?:

A Master’s degree is obtained by students who are skilled and have demonstrated their skills in an academic field of study. According to the Census Bureau only about 6% of Americans hold this degree. Most of the Master’s degrees are usually designated as Masters of Science or Masters of Art degrees. One needs to complete the graduation level to obtain this degree.

The students need to be able to complete their bachelor’s degrees with a high GPA, also known as Grade Point Average. Most of these Master programs run about a year or two. If a student wants to get a doctoral degree, some schools might ask for the completion of a master’s degree first. However, one can skip the Master’s degree and get a Doctoral degree, depending on the field of study and program the student chooses.

If one wants to teach undergraduates, he/she needs to obtain a graduate degree. People who attain a high level in teaching positions usually get a doctoral degree.

The most popular degree in the Master’s degree is the MBA degree and students who obtain this learn to run an administration or business. One can also opt for evening programs to get this degree if the school offers it.

Students who are interested in Arts can study for the Master’s of Arts degrees and those are interested to become writers and historians can study for the Master’s of Liberal Arts degrees. If interested to work in any positions related to management in nonprofit and government organizations, one can opt for Public Administration degree. Students who are interested to become scientists can obtain the Master of Science degrees.

There are many other types of Master’s degrees available and with the right attitude and determination it is easy to study for these degrees. These degrees help students to become skilled in many areas.


This article discusses the various kinds of Master’s degrees available to help students succeed
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